In short

Zienn Care Services in Leeuwarden is a shelter and provides accommodation to those without a home or roof over their heads who need care and/or nursing. This often concerns people who cannot get accustomed to a regular care or nursing home. Zienn offers these care services in collaboration with Zorggroep Noorderbreedte. The residents each have their own lounge/bedroom with toilet and can make use of the communal showers, dining room and living area. The complex can accommodate a total of 52 residents.

There was unfortunately no other way; the Buitenschool had to be demolished. Copper and lead thieves had invaded the premises and water and wind had been affecting the fragile complex for several years. Despite serious research it was not possible to preserve the premises and make it suitable for a care services programme.

The memory of the Buitenschool, however, is still kept alive. One of the classrooms was preserved and completely refurbished. This classroom fulfills the role of entrance of the care location in remembrance of this special complex.

A simple structure and a slightly sloping and friendly shape. The parklike setting of the building was what inspired the design of the facade. The first layer depicts the autumn forest; the facade plates are literally enlarged colourful pixels. Wooden strips were placed over it resembling the tree trunks of a birch forest. The second layer is what makes the building dynamic. Depending on your angle of approach, the facade either seems made of wood or the autumn colours are visible.






Zorgopvang Zienn


TWA Architecten


Van Wijnen, Gorredijk


Type of wood: Douglas fir
Fire retardation: Flame Delay PT
Finish: Sansin Enviro Stain Woodsealer